Is Electricity Used if Everything is Turned Off?

Nov 20, 2023

Have you ever wondered whether your home continues to consume electricity even when all your appliances and devices are turned off? It’s a common question, and the answer may surprise you. In this blog post, we’ll explore the concept of standby power, often referred to as “phantom power”, and uncover the truth about electricity usage when everything is seemingly switched off.

Understanding How Homes Use Electricity When Everything is Turned Off:

Standby power, also known as vampire power or phantom power, refers to the electricity consumed by appliances and devices when they are in standby mode or turned off but still plugged into an electrical outlet.

While the power usage of each individual device in standby mode is relatively small, the cumulative effect of numerous devices can contribute to significant energy consumption over time.

Common Culprits of Standby Power:


Many modern electronics, such as televisions, computers, game consoles, and audio systems, have standby modes. They remain in a low-power state to respond to remote controls or receive updates.


Chargers for devices like smartphones, tablets, and laptops often continue to draw power even when not actively charging a device.


Certain appliances like microwave ovens, coffee makers, and clock radios may have digital displays or timers that consume standby power.

Smart Devices:

Smart home devices, including voice assistants and smart speakers, remain active in standby mode to listen for voice commands.

Home Office Equipment:

Equipment like printers, scanners, and routers can continue to use electricity when not in use.

Measuring Standby Power:

To determine if your home is using electricity in standby mode, you can use a power meter or a smart plug with energy monitoring capabilities. These devices provide insights into the power consumption of individual appliances and help identify which ones are significant standby power users.

Minimizing Standby Power Consumption:

Reducing standby power consumption is not only good for the environment but can also save you money on your electricity bills. Here are some tips to minimize standby power:

Unplug Devices:

When devices are not in use for extended periods, unplug them from the electrical outlet.

Use Power Strips:

Connect multiple devices to power strips and turn off the strip when the devices are not needed.

Choose Energy-Efficient Devices:

Look for ENERGY STAR-rated appliances and devices that are designed to consume less standby power.

Enable Energy-Saving Features:

Configure devices to enter energy-saving modes automatically.

Should I Worry About Using Electricity If Everything Is Turned Off?

All houses can use electricity when everything is turned off, primarily due to standby power consumption by various devices and appliances. While the energy usage of individual devices in standby mode is relatively small, collectively, it can account for a significant portion of your electricity bill. By taking steps to identify and minimize standby power consumption, you can reduce your environmental footprint and lower your energy costs.

If you’re interested in learning more about energy-saving solutions for your home or need assistance with electrical services, Beattie Dukelow Electrical Inc. is here to help. Contact us to explore ways to improve your home’s energy efficiency and reduce electricity usage.